In-vehicle camera solutions for your fleet
Protect your business and your drivers with in-vehicle cameras from DQT
Dual-camera system captures road conditions and driver behavior simultaneously
Encourage safer driving and reduce liability
DQTcam is an in-vehicle camera system providing continuous forward-facing and driver-facing video recordings of road circumstances and driver conduct. Along with options for artificial intelligence, DQTcam is designed to help mitigate less-than-optimal driver behavior.
In-vehicle cameras such as DQTcam help lower insurance rates, provide indisputable evidence to minimize your potential liability, and help your employees drive safer by constantly monitoring, identifying, and taking steps to correct unsafe behavior.
In a survey of more than 500 professional drivers conducted by Together for Safer Road, 52% of fleet drivers view themselves as safer and 53% say they are more careful behind the wheel following in-cab camera adoption.
DQTcam is integrated to the DQT GPS Website so access to automatically-recorded video alert events, live streaming or requesting a video for a specific date and time is just a click away.
Easy-to-use filters allow access to alert events by type, date, driver and vehicle.
Vehicle and driver behavior events such as hard braking, harsh turning, hard acceleration, speeding, driver distraction, lane departure, seat belt compliance, cell phone usage, etc. are monitored, recorded, and automatically uploaded to the website with driver, date, time, and location information included.
The recorded events may be easily accessed and reviewed with the option to add notes to help build driver plans for future improvement and compliance.