Building Materials
Having accurate real time delivery and order information results in better and more effectively managed daily operations.
DQ’s Order Delivery Tracking (ODT) improves delivery performance by producing consistent, on-time, cost effective deliveries resulting in customer satisfaction, loyalty and greater sales.
ODT integrates directly with your POS system eliminating data entry and reducing errors. Anyone in the organization can quickly pinpoint the status of any order, taking customer service to a new level. Before the driver ever leaves you’ll know how much time and how many miles a trip should take.
Dispatch can manage by exception as ODT pinpoints the irregularities compared to what your standards of delivery should be. As new construction comes back, ODT will help you handle the increased volume without additional equipment or personnel.
ODT Provides:
- Reduced calls to the dispatchers desk, allowing him to stay focused on dispatch functions – not just answering “where’s my order?”
- Improves the speed and accuracy of responses to customer inquiries
- Increased operational efficiency and customer satisfaction
Features and benefits include:
- Integrated with your in-house computer system
- Automate current business processes to improve operational efficiency
- Immediate access to the current status of every order, including ETA’s
- Manage by exception with custom alerts to tell you if a trip has exceeded planned mileage or if the stops have gone out of delivery sequence
- Built-in Activity Based Costing to understand the cost of delivery on an order by order, or customer by customer basis
- Integrated GPS Solutions, allowing for accurate real time fleet tracking
- Driver safety improvement with added tracking technology
- Relate vehicle position to order locations
- Great flexibility, customized to your current business processes to improve workflow and information collection
- Easy-to-use, allows dispatcher to focus on delivery issues
- Provide dispatch with tools to maximize truck utilization, while grouping like orders going to the same area
- Combine and organize orders with simple bar code scanning
More Information
Building Materials Solutions

ODT for LBM Datasheet

ODT Customer Article in LBM Journal