Wholesale / Distribution
Operating a wholesale or distributions center means staying on top of all your orders to ensure meeting customer demands.
Meeting the demands of the end to end delivery process in the world of distribution can be challenging.
Managing customer expectations and delivery time windows, same or next day scheduling, vehicle types and capacities, driver compliance, and doing it in the most cost effective way is a difficult task and one that cannot be done manually in this day and age of slim margins.
Companies need to balance customer requirements with the cost of resources and optimize vehicle utilization to create the most efficient and cost effective routes possible.
Our advanced routing can help you achieve the most cost effective routes while minimizing the cost by taking into consideration:
- Vehicle requirements by customer
- Vehicle capacity (weight and/or volume)
- Customer deliver time windows
- Driver work rules (distance and time)
- Road Networks and Advanced Algorithms
- Multi-stop, Multi-Order with unload times
DQ ODT Features and Benefits:
- Advanced Routing automatically creates the most cost effective and efficient routes possible
- Auto-Routing allows you to control fixed routes and then optimize them using map tools
- Planned routes with stop times and drive time set driver standards for monitoring driver behavior and route deviation
- Real time GPS tracking to monitor actual trip details versus planned routes
- Trip Reconcile screen easily identifies drivers/trips with issues: long stop times, long drive times, stops out of order, etc.
- Cost per route and cost per stop calculations allow you to view and analyze customer profitability “after delivery costs”
- ODT Mobile APP allows drivers to gather POD signatures, pictures and delivery notes easily and efficiently
- Enroute and on-site delivery e-mail alerts improve customer communication
More Information
Wholesale and Distribution Solutions

Case Study: Williams Distributing

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